Leave your assets to your heirs instead of the CRA

Unlike the U.S., Canada has no estate or inheritance tax. Yet despite this, death can trigger a significant income tax bill that, if not properly planned for, can leave an unexpected liability when a loved one passes away. Here is what happens to your non-registered and registered assets when you die: Non-Registered Assets The general […]

Four estate planning questions

Hearing that you ought to update your will is little bit like being told to take up jogging. Everybody knows it’s the right thing to do, but that doesn’t make it any easier to get started. Douglas Gray has made it his mission to do exactly that. The former lawyer left his practice at the […]

Estate Planning Questions For Business Owners

If you are a business owner, your estate plan should cover both your personal and business assets. Estate planning for business owners is more complicated because it needs to address issues, such as: • larger and more complex estates, • business succession, and • complicated tax issues. Here are some of the questions you should […]

Shareholder agreements

If your corporation has more than one shareholder, a shareholders’ agreement should be drawn up to establish the ongoing rights and responsibilities of the shareholders in the ownership and administration of the company. One of the more important aspects of the shareholders’ agreement is that it should specify what should happen in the event of […]

6 ways to help your money last for generations

You’ve worked hard to build up your money. Now how do you make sure you can pass on as much of it as possible to your children and grandchildren? After years of working and saving, strategizing and goal-setting, it’s not uncommon to want to ensure you can pass on the money you’ve built up to […]

Do this & you will succeed.

One thing you must do in order to succeed is to purpose in your heart that you will be proactive in every area of your life, rather than being reactive. Be proactive. Don’t just let things happen to you. Dictate the things that you experience in your life, as much as you can. In business, […]

The Corporate Estate Transfer

If you are the owner of a successful company it is likely that you have retained profits or surplus cash in your corporation. If this is the case, chances are also good that this invested surplus is exposed to a high rate of corporate income tax. If this describes your company then you may be […]

Lessons from the richest man in Babylon

In 1926, George Samuel Clason published a series of pamphlets written in parables that was set in the ancient city of Babylon. The book became known as The Richest Man in Babylon and has become a best seller in financial literature. I encountered this little book a while ago and was blown away by the […]