


Succession planning tips for small-business owners

By Yisroel Sandel on January 02, 2017

Thinking about handing over the reins to your business? These considerations will help you create an effective and tax-efficient succession plan. There are many benefits to being your own boss,…

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Five important considerations when writing a will

By Yisroel Sandel on September 01, 2016

They’re called the “accumulation years,” the 20, 30 or 40 years we work and earn money. During this time we buy a home, own a small business, volunteer, donate to…

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Ten things you need to do when your spouse dies

By Yisroel Sandel on July 01, 2016

When you’re newly widowed, you need to think clearly and make good decisions in the midst of your grief. This checklist can help you get through it. Whether it’s a…

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Which investments can reduce your tax bill?

By Yisroel Sandel on April 01, 2016

Taxes may be inescapable, but your choice of investments can have a huge impact on how much tax you pay. It all depends on your personal situation and how you…

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Canada Pension Plan – Should You Take it Early?

By Yisroel Sandel on March 01, 2016

The new rules governing CPP were introduced in 2012 and they take full effect in 2016. The earliest you can take your CPP Pension is age 60, the latest is…

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